
The Fabrics Story

“Necessity is the mother of invention” is a well-known proverb. It means that the primary driving force for most innovation is need. That was certainly the case with Fabrics. As the owners of a 20+ year tech enabled professional service company operating entirely in the Microsoft cloud, we needed to control the costs that had risen to an alarming level. The proven security, reliability, scalability, and simplified management made the virtual infrastructure desirable, but for it to be sustainable for the company, the cost needed to go down significantly.

The challenge - the billing structure used by large cloud providers is based on capacity and not consumption - if a cloud resource is turned on the meter is running. It would be like paying for your car to run based on the size of your tank and not based on the amount of fuel you used.

Our solution - we began to develop an extensive and powerful automation framework designed to better align capacity and consumption. Specific features were created to manage the size of compute, the number of active virtual machines, total storage, etc. The result was cost savings of more than 50% without sacrificing performance.

That was when we realized we couldn’t keep it to ourselves… Fabrics was born.